
Toddlers and 2’s


Children may enter this classroom at 15 months of age. Exploration, curiosity, and hands-on learning are the primary focus in this age group. Socialization begins and their language skills emerge. Reading stories, playing music, singing, and fine motor activities enhance their language ability.

Hands-on play with water, play dough, paint, crayons, blocks, pegs, etc., fosters their creativity and intellectual capabilities.

2 year old milestones

2 Year Olds

Children in this classroom are already two or will turn two soon. Focus is on getting along with others, enhancing language ability, and beginning to learn colors, shapes, sizes, and letters. Puzzles, pegs, crayons, paint, glue, and glitter are all experimented with. Following direction is emphasized along with self-help skills. Children start to learn to put on shoes/coats.

Toilet training/potty training begins. Staff and parents work closely and communicate frequently to make the transition easier. Diapers and/or pull-ups are provided by parents. Children have scheduled changes/potty breaks. Children are immediately changed upon soiling of diaper.

3 year old milestones



In order to be in this classroom, children must be toilet trained. Focus is centered on cognitive skills such as letters, numbers, days of the week, months of the year, phone number, address, etc.

Creativity is fostered through free-choice play, dramatic play area, role-playing, music, blocks, and art projects.
Socialization develops as children begin to assemble and play together in small groups. Problem-solving techniques are explored and with caregiver guidance, children learn to express themselves more freely.

Physical development includes large muscle play and small motor skill activities such as working with scissors, small puzzles, small manipulatives, books, etc. Children are able to put on coat/shoes by themselves.

Group dynamics begin as children become more considerate of others and follow directions well. Table manners and social skills are emphasized.

4 year old milestones


Children in this classroom are four to five years old and begin to make the transition from preschool to kindergarten.

To build upon their previous cognitive skills, we focus on teaching them to print. This includes letters, numbers, their name, address, and phone number. They learn letter sounds and begin to identify letter sounds with words. Their language base grows. Their understanding of opposites is reinforced along with their understanding of past, present, and future.
Children are taught to tie shoes and their fine motor skills are challenged through age-appropriate puzzles and manipulatives.
Math and science are incorporated through play and classroom projects.

Group dynamics are built upon as children become even more aware of being considerate to others and adapting to the rules of the classroom.

5 year old milestones


concert america pic

concert mama paquita

Kindergarten Before/After Care- District 57

Mt Prospect Childcare Center offers before and/or after school care for kindergarteners in District 57. The bus picks up and drops off students at the center in the morning, at lunchtime, and in the afternoon. Staff work with the kindergarten students to review and enforce concepts learned in school. Students also participate in outdoor play and other physical activities.

First Grade Before/After Care- District 57

Need a place for your older child before and after school? Mt Prospect Childcare Center also offers care for first graders in District 57. The bus will pick them up in the morning and drop them off in the afternoon. The pre-school students love to have their older friends show off their new reading skills! Students also participate in outdoor play and other physical activity that takes place in the late afternoon.

Summer Camp

Our 10-week summer camp program is available for children 3 to 10 years of age from June to August.

Registration begins in April

enrollment form

registration and consent form

A typical week of camp looks like this :

  • Monday- Introduce theme of the week, art projects
  • Tuesday- Swimming at Big Surf
  • Wednesday- Field Trip!*
  • Thursday- Swimming at Big Surf

2012 Camp Schedule (password protected)

*Most field trips are walking trips and include places like: Greco's Dog Groomer, Capannari's Ice Cream, YMCA, and the Fire Station

2-3 bus and or train trips are planned each summer, with visits to Metropolis Performing Arts, Edison Park, Kohl Children's Museum